Figueiredo Sens Lawyers
Our corporate law practice is multidisciplinary and global experience.
We operate efficiently in matters from standard corporate operations to company restructurings, M&A transactions, corporate governance and debt structuring & restructuring (DCM).
We excel in complex matters and we are always ready for new challenges. We are commited to adding value to our clients businesses and to delivering better legal services, regardless of expectations, and our main focus as a firm is to always improve our practice through the feedback of those who entrust our team.
To do that, we apply our own comprehensive and innovative approach to each case and equip our team with professionals with expertise in every area of our practice.
Our inteded result is to create a scenario in which clients spend only as much energy as necessary on legal matters and can focus their energy on the development of their own businesses.
Figueiredo Sens Lawyers
Companies served
Lawsuits conducted
Countries operated in
Million USD
in M&A
Transactions Conducted
Million managed
in Wealth and
Tax Transactions